Our Three Step Process
Buy degraded land that used to be a forest
Reforest that land with native species
Ensure the forest remains a forest forever
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn about TerraTrees!
When are the trees planted and how will I know?
Most trees are planted in late April or early May. Customers will receive a notification by email when the planting is complete. Details will include the state, county, township, county parcel ID, legal description, GPS coordinates, and pictures.
Where are the trees planted?
TerraTrees’ sister company Dietz Timberland, LLC, buys land where the forest was previously removed and reforests the land with native tree species. Currently, we own seven properties in Minnesota.
What tree species do you plant?
Our family plants trees that are native to the soil and geographic region based on the guidance of our professional foresters. Examples include white pine, red pine, jack pine, red maple, sugar maple, birch, white spruce, white cedar, balsam fir, northern red oak, bur oak, basswood, and tamarack.
Can I pick the type of tree or select the location?
It is not possible to pick the type of tree because our professional foresters assist with these decisions based on soil type and biodiversity needs which are unique to each land parcel. Tree planting location is determined by where we’re able to purchase degraded land that is ideal for reforesting back to a natural ecosystem.
How are the land and trees managed to ensure they survive and thrive?
One of our core values is land stewardship, which means no walk-away forestry. After the extra large seedlings are in the ground, we look after them for years to ensure they have the best chance of survival. Different species have different needs, but our formal forest stewardship plans detail all of this. The most intensive care-taking phase is the seedlings’ first 7-8 years. Examples of forest stewardship practices (also called forest management) include bud-capping in the fall, deer-repellent spraying (non-toxic & organic), manual brush control, annual netting protection, tube protections, and fencing. This high level of planning and stewardship, along with a replanting guarantee, ensures a 100% survivability rate.
For more information, please check out Our Forest Management Practices page.
Can I help plant trees?
Probably. We pay experienced planting crews, but if you share our passion and want to get some fresh air and dirty hands, please contact us as far in advance as possible. We will pay you and provide proper training.