TerraTrees Blog
UPDATES, Education & MOre!
MN Legislature Tours THE HAVEN
The Minnesota State Legislature’s Sub-Committee on Water Policy visited our memorial forest to learn how we’re managing our forests to protect Minnesota’s aquifers.
Adventures in Deer Proofing
This year, we’re testing out a new, large-scale product to help protect our tree seedlings.
Spring Planting 2024 Complete
Every spring is a new adventure in planting. This year’s project was a large, complex undertaking.
Finding Hope in a Time of Eco-Anxiety
We’ve all read dire headlines about the looming climate emergency. It’s scary for sure. April is Earth Month. Thirty days to be thankful for and intentional about how we can protect this beautiful planet. Let’s talk about what we can do.
NRCS Cost Share for 2024 Planting
The Detroit Lakes NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) recently awarded us a contract for reforesting land. This contract reimburses us for a portion of our costs to purchase 4,000 seedlings and hire a planting crew.
Introducing Basswood
2023 was a pivotal year for Terra Trees. We purchased our first degraded land parcel to begin another mass tree planting initiative.
2023 Forest Biodiversity Planting Update
Our forest biodiversity plans are constructed in partnership with our foresters based on a couple of different factors. Find out about our Spring 2023 diversity planting here!
Deforestation in the United States: A short dive into modern realities
Forests provide a home to millions of plants and animals around the world. They also play a vital role in the world’s carbon cycle by balancing greenhouse gas emissions, making the air in our atmosphere breathable, and protecting against climate change.
Right Tree, Right Place
With massive tree-planting campaigns everywhere we look, what does ‘right tree, right place’ actually mean, why is it important, and what are many planting organizations and tree drives forgetting?